Schott Saxophone Lounge / Band 1 / Die Pop Saxophon Schule, Tenor-Saxophon.Bd.1 – Dirko Juchem, Kartoniert (TB)
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018 | Seiten: 140 Seiten
Dirko Juchem’s new textbook is a modern method which helps to prepare for playing the most popular music styles – from pop to rock to swing music! 34 easy and motivating songs help to learn essential fingerings and techniques with great ease. The play-alongs by Dirko Juchem and his band on the accompanying CD invite to play along – you’re ready to go after lesson one! Thanks to the large number of songbooks in the Schott Saxophone Lounge series, the budding saxophonist has a vast repertoire of pieces at his/her disposal. You are well prepared for them after studying the two volumes of the pop saxophone method! Instrumentation: tenorsaxophone