Geometric Methods in Physics XXXVIII


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The book consists of articles based on the XXXVIII Białowieża Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, 2019. The series of Białowieża workshops, attended by a community of experts at the crossroads of mathematics and physics, is a major annual event in the field. The works in this book, based on presentations given at the workshop, are previously unpublished, at the cutting edge of current research, typically grounded in geometry and analysis, with applications to classical and quantum physics. For the past eight years, the Białowieża Workshops have been complemented by a School on Geometry and Physics, comprising series of advanced lectures for graduate students and early-career researchers. The extended abstracts of the five lecture series that were given in the eighth school are included. The unique character of the Workshop-and-School series draws on the venue, a famous historical, cultural and environmental site in the Białowieża forest, a UNESCO World Heritage Centre in the east of Poland: lectures are given in the Nature and Forest Museum and local traditions are interwoven with the scientific activities. The chapter “Toeplitz Extensions in Noncommutative Topology and Mathematical Physics” is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

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