Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications


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[Infotext]((Kurztext))These are the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, held in Zürich in February 1998. The speakers and contributors have been rigorously selected and present the state of the art in this field. The articles, both theoretical and numerical, encompass a wide range of applications, such as nonlinear waves in solids, various computational fluid dynamics from small-scale combustion to relativistic astrophysical problems, multiphase phenomena and geometrical optics. ((Volltext))These proceedings contain, in two volumes, approximately one hundred papers presented at the conference on hyperbolic problems, which has focused to a large extent on the laws of nonlinear hyperbolic conservation. Two-fifths of the papers are devoted to mathematical aspects such as global existence, uniqueness, asymptotic behavior such as large time stability, stability and instabilities of waves and structures, various limits of the solution, the Riemann problem and so on. Roughly the same number of articles are devoted to numerical analysis, for example stability and convergence of numerical schemes, as well as schemes with special desired properties such as shock capturing, interface fitting and high-order approximations to multidimensional systems. The results in these contributions, both theoretical and numerical, encompass a wide range of applications such as nonlinear waves in solids, various computational fluid dynamics from small-scale combustion to relativistic astrophysical problems, multiphase phenomena and geometrical optics.

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