Incomplete Information: Rough Set Analysis


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In 1982, Professor Pawlak published his seminal paper on what he called „rough sets“ – a work which opened a new direction in the development of theories of incomplete information. Today, a decade and a half later, the theory of rough sets has evolved into a far-reaching methodology for dealing with a wide variety of issues centering on incompleteness and imprecision of information – issues which playa key role in the conception and design of intelligent information systems. „Incomplete Information: Rough Set Analysis“ – or RSA for short – presents an up-to-date and highly authoritative account of the current status of the basic theory, its many extensions and wide-ranging applications. Edited by Professor Ewa Orlowska, one of the leading contributors to the theory of rough sets, RSA is a collection of nineteen well-integrated chapters authored by experts in rough set theory and related fields. A common thread that runs through these chapters ties the concept of incompleteness of information to those of indiscernibility and similarity.

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